November 2023: Put My Trust In You

Hanna Jursch

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There was dark mist
sailing through my mind
I had failed myself,
lost the sight.
All of my worries made me blind
to see my true shining soul inside.
Wished to feel
one day alive.

That was then,
but one day I found
to Jesus and I’ve prayed
for a chance to start again.

What if I put my trust in you?
Would it change my life for the better?
If I put my trust in you
Where I ́m standing, would it matter?
Where I’ve come from
Would it matter?

Then I stood still
and I called your name
and you whispered gently
as a breeze.
Just like a river flowed in me
Coming home - going to the sea
You were there
and I was free.

This is now, yes one day I found
to Jesus and I’ve prayed
for a chance to start again.

What if I put my trust in you?
Would it change my life for the better?
If I put my trust in you
Where I ́m standing, would it matter?
Where I’ve come from
Would it matter?


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